Community Rescues Kittens from Flower Pot and Reunites Them with Mother Cat

by Paisley

Heartwarming Discovery: Kittens Found in a Flower Pot

In a heartwarming turn of events, a group of concerned community members discovered four newborn kittens nestled in a flower pot. Their tiny, plaintive cries led to the surprising find—four tiny kittens huddled together among wilted leaves and potting soil.

Vulnerable Kittens and the Search for Their Mother

The flower pot offered little protection, leaving the kittens vulnerable to the elements. As they snuggled together to keep warm, their rescuers searched frantically for their mother—a stray cat spotted in the distance.

Rescue Effort Mobilized by Online Appeal

A rescue appeal posted online quickly mobilized a team of dedicated volunteers. Celine from Chatons Orphelins Montreal described the scene: “When we arrived, the mother cat had already moved the kittens to a nearby yard, finding shelter under a porch.”

Capturing the Mother Cat and Reuniting the Family

To safely capture the mother cat, the team set up a humane trap near the porch. After hours of anticipation, the hungry mother cat was lured into the trap. The volunteers then collected the entire family and transported them to Chatons Orphelins Montreal, where a warm welcome awaited.

Hadora’s Initial Anxiety and Gradual Adjustment

A quiet, cozy room was prepared for them. However, Hadora, the mother cat, seemed overwhelmed by her new surroundings. She initially refused to eat and retreated to a corner, her anxiety palpable. Her foster mom, determined to comfort her, gently offered food from her hand, hoping to coax her into eating.


Building Trust and Bonding with Hadora

Hadora hesitated but eventually started eating, driven by hunger. “After nearly 24 hours, she began eating from her foster mom’s hand, and a bond began to form,” Celine noted. As Hadora’s anxiety eased, she started to trust her foster mom, relaxing and allowing her to handle and weigh the kittens.

Ensuring the Kittens’ Health and Growth

The foster mom meticulously monitored the kittens, recognizing that their fragile condition required constant attention. She observed each kitten’s feeding habits, ensuring they were nursing adequately. However, when she noticed that a few of the kittens struggled to latch onto Hadora or seemed weaker than their siblings, she stepped in with bottle feeding. Using a specialized kitten formula, she carefully fed them, holding each tiny kitten with gentle precision.

Hadora, despite her initial anxiety, remained a devoted mother. She rarely left her kittens’ side, keeping them warm with her body and grooming them frequently. Whenever the foster mom entered the room, Hadora’s demeanor shifted; she would begin to purr softly, a signal of her contentment and growing trust.

The Kittens Begin to Explore Their New World

Now, at one week old, their eyes are beginning to open. Their curiosity is growing as they start to explore their surroundings. The kittens include three males and one female: Zuko (black), Bumi (gray tabby), Mako (brown tabby), and Azula (brown tabby). Zuko was the first to open his eyes, soon followed by Mako.

A Bright Future for Hadora and Her Kittens

As they grow, they are becoming more active, wiggling and rolling around their nest. Meanwhile, Hadora has begun to explore her new environment, clearly appreciating the comfort and care provided.


“The kittens are thriving, gaining weight each day, and Hadora is a devoted mother,” Celine added. Thanks to the compassion and efforts of many, this family of five is now enjoying a safe and loving indoor life filled with care and attention.

As they grow, the kittens are becoming more active, wiggling and rolling around their nest. Meanwhile, Hadora has begun to explore her new environment, clearly appreciating the comfort and care provided.

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