Vegan Girlfriend Demands Boyfriend Give Up Cat: An Ultimatum That Ended Their Relationship

by Hellen
Give Up Cat

A man faces a tough ultimatum from his vegan girlfriend: Give up cat or end their relationship. Discover how this dilemma unfolds and the decision he ultimately made.

Vegan Girlfriend Issues Ultimatum: “Give Up Cat or Our Relationship Ends”

In any romantic relationship, individuals often face challenges that require significant compromises. These might include lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, or even wardrobe updates. However, when pets enter the equation, things can get especially complex.

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Recently, a 22-year-old man turned to Reddit to share a troubling predicament. His girlfriend of seven months presented him with a stark ultimatum: either he would give up cat, Mittens, or their relationship would come to an end.

The Pressure to Give Up Cat Amid Vegan Principles

The crux of the issue stems from the girlfriend’s strong vegan principles. As an ardent advocate for animal rights, she believes that having a cat contradicts her commitment to cruelty-free living.

In his Reddit post, the man detailed his relationship’s evolution: “I’ve been with my girlfriend for seven months. She’s incredible, and we share a lot of common interests. A vocal vegan, she stressed from the start that any partner should align with her cruelty-free values. I was a pescatarian before meeting her, so transitioning to a plant-based diet was relatively smooth. She appreciated my effort, and we quickly became known as ‘the vegan couple’ on our college campus.”

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The Tension Over Mittens

Despite their strong bond, a significant issue remained unresolved: Mittens, his beloved cat. “I’ve had Mittens for three years, and she’s incredibly dear to me,” he explained. “Though my girlfriend was always a bit uneasy around her, we managed to avoid the topic by spending more time at her place and I can’t give up cat.”

Their relationship grew more serious during the pandemic, leading to discussions about cohabitation. It was during these talks that his girlfriend issued her shocking ultimatum: she couldn’t envision a future together unless he gave up Mittens. Her argument was that owning a cat contradicted vegan principles because cats hunt and consume meat.

“I was floored,” he recounted. “I refused to part with Mittens. I explained that I was minimizing harm by choosing high-quality, ethical cat food. Many vegans own cats and share similar views. My girlfriend countered with a provocative question: ‘How much flesh does your cat consume? How many animals are sacrificed for that food? Would you be okay if that were human flesh?’”

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Breaking Points and Reflections

Feeling frustrated, he left her apartment and found solace with Mittens at home. However, his mood was soured when his girlfriend sent him a link to a Reddit thread advocating for the extinction of domestic cats.

“I’m resolute about not giving up my cat,” he declared. “Yet, it’s disheartening to think that a meaningful relationship could end over differing ideologies. I struggle to understand my girlfriend’s stance, as many vegans I know have cats.”

In a follow-up post on r/relationship_advice, he clarified that his girlfriend’s extreme views on domestic cats were not representative of the broader vegan community. “Sometimes new vegans can be overly zealous. Most of us are simply trying to minimize harm to animals,” he noted.

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He also shared that the relationship had ended. “I would never give up cat, my Mittens,” he said. “Looking back, many users suggested that this situation was more about control than veganism. I now recognize a pattern of controlling behavior from my ex-girlfriend.”

Ultimately, he decided that parting ways was the best course of action given the relationship’s underlying issues. What would you have done in his place?

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